Take charge of your health: mind-body-spirit
Nurture, preserve and protect your mental, emotional, and physical health & well-being by investing in an Infrared Sauna for your home! Relax. Detox. Strengthen immunity. Lose weight. Cheer up!
* DISCLOSURE: as an Affiliate of InfraredSauna.com / Sauna Works, I may earn a commission when you purchase a sauna through either through me or the button/link above.
Take an additional $200 off on Sanctuary Models and $100 off on Premier Models when you purchase through Dr. Nelson.
Clearlight Sanctuary Three | Full Spectrum Three Person Infrared Sauna
Health Benefits
Unlocking Serenity: The Mental Health Power of Saunas, January 23, 2024 The Mental Health Power of Saunas
Infrared Saunas and Age: Is There an Age Limit for Saunas? April 27, 2023
Sweating It Out: The Science Behind the Surprising Health Benefits of Sauna Use January 09, 2023
Research | Studies
12 Sauna Health Benefits + Safety Tips & Precautions. https://selfhacked.com/blog/reasons-sweating-far-often/
Some like it hot, health benefits of saunas. Many sauna bathers claim that a sauna helps ward off colds and other infections. They may well be right. https://infraredsauna.com/health/kaiser/
Boosting Temperature, Heat Shock Proteins and Nitric Oxide as Potential Strategies Against RNA Viruses https://www.healwithheat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Boosting-Heat-Shock-Proteins-by-Dr.-James-DiNicolantonio-1.pdf?inf_contact_key=bfa41f2a970e10565ff6fc21d60b8f164dfbc39d7283b2cb89d5189540b69330
Conclusion: Sauna, and other heat therapies, may have a significant role in improving immunity, especially in those who are most susceptible to RNA viruses by combating the defect in type 1 interferon response. Considering that sauna use has been found to reduce the number of common colds and is associated with a lower risk of influenza and pneumonia further interventional studies should be performed to ascertain its antiviral potential during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How Infrared Saunas Boost Your Immune System https://infraredsauna.com/blog/infrared-saunas-boost-immune-system-fall/
Saunas Boost the Immune System https://www.hightechhealth.com/2020/03/16/saunas-boost-the-immune-system/
Can osteoarthritis be treated with light? These results provide additional justification for the use of Low Level Laser (light) Therapy (especially near-infrared laser that has the tissue penetration required for joints) as a treatment for osteoarthritis https://infraredsauna.com/news/Can-osteoarthritis-be-treated-with-light.pdf
Psychological benefits 2 and 4 weeks after a single treatment with near infrared light to the forehead: a pilot study of 10 patients with major depression and anxiety The Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and the Developmental Biopsychiatry Research Program, McLean Hospital. https://behavioralandbrainfunctions.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/1744-9081-5-46.pdf?site=behavioralandbrainfunctions.biomedcentral.com
Red Light and Near-Infrared Radiation: Powerful Healing Tools You’ve Never Heard of. https://180degreehealth.com/red-light-infrared-radiation-powerful-healing-tools-youve-heard/
Detoxification: Why Detoxify? https://infraredsauna.com/why-is-sauna-detoxification-important/
Why does the near infrared lamp sauna have an extremely parasympathetic (healing) effect. http://drlwilson.com/articles/SAUNA,%20PARSYMPATH.htm
Infrared sauna in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. A pilot study showing good tolerance, short-term improvement of pain and stiffness, and a trend towards long-term beneficial effects https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18685882/
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